
It’s time to try this blogging thing again.

I’ll keep this short and sweet. In other words, start the exact opposite of how I mean to go on. Consider this a welcome message, an introduction to a relaunch, or just a collection of words that most people will never read. It’s my umpteenth attempt to start blogging in the last 15 years, but it’s got to start somewhere.

So welcome to my relaunched website. I hope you’re here because you’re looking at my work with a view to contracting me to make something awesome for you. Or maybe you just clicked through from my Twitter or Instagram bio.

Either way, what I’m going to attempt to assemble here are some thoughts on the web, design, photography and maybe revisit the idea of using this space as a repository for all the interesting bits-and-bobs I find on the Internet. The stuff that currently gets shoved away in my Instapaper ghetto (previously in Delicious, before that in bookmarks menus, etc etc).

What I don’t imagine this will be is particularly frequently updated. But if I manage to form a positive writing habit, I’m not going to complain. In any case, welcome to my site.