Redesign and rebuild of the NHS South Central’s Patient Safety Federation website.

The National Health Service (NHS) South Central Patient Safety Federation’s goal is to improve patient safety in all healthcare organisations in the South Central area of England. A key part of these efforts is the provision of patient safety resources such as fall prevention and needle safety via the web.

Screenshot of NHS South Central site on large screen

The brief called for content to be at the absolute centre of the redesign, with Ridgeway undertaking in-depth analysis of the issues with the previous website. Incorporating some existing assets from the old design, the new interface uses a straightforward layout and is heavily content-driven, with a global “super-nav” providing access to each of the main categories and content areas of the site.

Screenshot of NHS South Central site on large screen

The back-end development was completed by Ridgeway using the KenticoCMS platform and was designed and built before the widespread adoption of responsive web design techniques.


Agency: Ridgeway
Design Joel Parr
Development (Back-end): Ridgeway
Development (Front-end): Joel Parr

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